The First Break

Today we woke up to find our refrigerator not working. We’ve heard about the maintenance that comes with maintaining an RV and how said RV goes through a “mini earthquake” every time you drive it down the road. Comforting, I know. We had been holding our breath waiting for the moment when our first break would occur. Fortunately, we haven’t left NY yet.

Having owned a house in the past, we were familiar with things breaking but this seemed more concerning. I can only assume it is because we are living a lifestyle that is completely different than the one we have always known. But it really isn’t different, is it?

The problem for us was bigger than a broken refrigerator, it’s fear of the unknown, fear of being incapable, fear of failure, fear of judgment. At our seasoned age, you would think we still wouldn’t be afraid, but each new challenge always seems different than the last. Fear doesn’t discriminate when it comes to age.

For most of my life, I struggled with fear and worry. No matter what I did, I couldn’t control my fears and worries. It was all-consuming and affected every aspect of my life. From worrying about my health to what people thought of me, I always found something to worry about. Even as I write this journal and get ready to launch our blog site, I am apprehensive about how people will respond to our stories. But that apprehensiveness is short-lived because of one evening.

It was a January evening in 2021, I decided to participate in the Cross Creek Church Prayer and Healing Service. I never understood healing and in fact, thought it was staged. Even when I heard about healing stories from missions trips my friends went on, I still doubted.

It wasn’t until I heard our pastor’s wife’s story that I began to believe. She was someone I often would observe on Sunday mornings. There was just something about her that filled my heart and longed to see her be healed. Why? She had lived with multiple sclerosis for over 20 years.

Then a miracle, one Sunday she shared she had been healed on Thanksgiving, 2020! I saw it with my own eyes! She was out of pain and just glowing.

That moment was all I needed to learn more about healing and give it a try. On that January evening, I learned to forgive people in my life and ask God for healing of my fears and worries. The next day I was faced with a situation that would normally cause me to have fear and worry, but at that moment, I decided I would not allow Satan to have control over my mind anymore. The sense of peace I felt was unmistakable. From that point on I would continue to thank Him for the healing that was happening in me instead of focusing on the fear and worry.

I know I will likely encounter many opportunities through this journey where fear will try to raise its ugly head – wait until the blog about looking out over the Grand Canyon!  What I do know is I have the power through God to not allow it to control me. Worry will control our minds, cause physical and mental problems, and quite honestly waste a lot of time in our lives. We get to decide if we are going to allow that.

After unsuccessfully trying to find an RV dealer or mobile repairman to repair the refrigerator, I decided to take a chance and call our faithful, trusty, electric, plumbing & heating contractor. Not only did he offer to come and take a look that next morning, he came with a smile, his happy disposition, found the problem, and more than fixed it. The electric to our refrigerator is now so much better than the standard wiring in an RV!

A problem that could have caused me so much anxiety was resolved. I can honestly say that although it was an unexpected expense, the opportunity to see healing in action in my life truly boosted my faith. Not to mention, we are in better shape for the next “mini earthquake”, aka Route I-81.

Worry is not of God. He tells us to give our worries and cares to Him because He loves us and wants us to experience the joy He has planned for our lives.

Is worry keeping you from His joy?

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7

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