Traveling Companions

We have been asked from time to time how the cats have handled full-time traveling. So, we decided to dedicate a whole story to our furry friends.

We have two cats, Sophie, and Molly. Sophie was rescued by our son and his fiancé and later came to live with us. Molly was also a rescue. We didn’t notice it at the time, but their markings happen to be the colors our favorite football team, the Steelers. We believe it was not coincidence but the work of God! Some may disagree, but really, what are the odds??

Sophie is curious but a scaredy cat. She loves exploring and does not seem to be concerned about anything unless it catches her off guard. She has been known to go airborne from a whisper! She loves to play hide and seek – weird, I know.

Molly loves to sleep…and eat! She is known to meow very loud when she knows it’s time to eat. She hates to be picked up or confined. She is not very photogenic, not because she doesn’t like to have her picture taken, but because it is hard to see her in the photo. Given Sophie was the runt of the litter, it would seem Molly is fat, but the vet assures us she is just pleasantly plump.

Both can be naughty. When Sophie gets scolded, she seems defiant. When Molly gets scolded, she turns her back to us. It is almost as if she puts herself in the corner. Typically, Sophie is the naughtiest, with Molly watching what she does but aware she might just get in trouble too.

They love to play and chase each other. In fact, when staying on our family’s property last summer, I received a text asking if I was in the RV. I wasn’t. The cats were apparently making such a racket chasing each other, it could be heard outside.

When we moved out of our 2,000 square foot house, we expected the cats would be in shock moving into our limited 300 square foot RV. Surprisingly, the adventure of a new space kept them entertained for days. Believe it or not, we have been unable to find them at different times – hard to believe in such a small space. From being trapped under the recliners, to stuck in a cupboard, they manage to find places to hide.

That cannot be truer than with Molly. As I mentioned earlier, she is not fond of being picked up or confined to a kennel. On travel days, it is common to have to search for her or chase her around the RV to get her in a kennel.

Speaking of kennels, you may wonder how they ride along with us. Since we have a 5th wheel RV, we pull with a 4-door truck. They have a kennel the length of our back seat, complete with a litter box and an air purifier! Sophie, who apparently thinks she is a dog, tries desperately to look out the window when we drive. When telling our friend about it, he graciously made us foam sections that we could put under the kennel to lift it up so she could see out the windows. Ok, I know what you are thinking – really? Yes, really. Our son is grown so we have to have something to take care of and spoil occasionally!

They generally travel very well but have their moments when they fight. We have been known to say we will pull over if they do not quit the fighting. Of course, those moments are never caught on camera. The moment I try, I turn around to see this….

They thoroughly enjoy days when the RV windows are open and love watching wildlife. Sophie has had her share of encounters with wildlife! It drives them nuts (literally) when acorns from the trees fall onto the RV. There was a time last fall when acorns were falling on the RV nonstop. For such a small nut, it sounds like a rock dropping on our roof. Then there is the taunting from the squirrels. They run on the roof and occasionally climb the ladder. In one instance, if she was able, Sophie would have broken through the window to have squirrel stew for dinner.

Sophie loves to be outside. We obviously do not let her roam freely, but there are times when she sits with us. One time we were sitting by the fire with Sophie. Apparently, Molly decided she didn’t want to be left out. When coming outside, someone (me), did not make sure the door shut completely. Yep, you guessed it. Molly got out. It has always been one of our biggest concerns. If they get away, they won’t be able to find their way home when their home moves frequently. Needless to say, Jim was able to catch her and carry her, feet (and nails) kicking, back to the RV.

Recently we all had the opportunity to stay in a hotel. True to form, Sophie and Molly spent the first couple of days loving the new adventure. And sure enough, we lost one of them for a short period of time. Honestly, how do they find places to hide in small spaces?

It has been a great experience travelling with our kitties; and I think they have enjoyed it too. There is nothing like coming home to be greeted by a pet – even when our home moves. Two cats, rescued from difficult circumstances, join a loving family, and then travel the country. Not a bad life to have!