Launch Day

When we picked a target date to begin our traveling journey, I don’t think either of us knew if we would pull it off. Honestly, we had no idea what was involved in preparing for this journey. We spent a year researching, following other RVers on YouTube, and even taking online RV education classes – yes, that is a thing!

As a very organized person, I figured I would be able to keep everything straight. It didn’t take long before the poster board labeled “to do”, “doing” and “done” became extremely overwhelming as the hundreds of colorful sticky notes (ok, maybe I’m exaggerating) were only on the “to do” column. There were so many they wouldn’t even stick to the board! Within days that board was lovingly placed under our couch with the full intent of revisiting it in the near future. That never happened.

Have you ever hit your head against a wall over and over until one day you said God, please stop me from hitting my head on this wall and heal my headache? That was me. So instead of trying to control the situation, I talked with God often asking for direction.

It wasn’t long after, we learned very good friends of ours felt they were being called to move out of state and had already sold their house. After sharing with them we felt God was leading us as well, they demonstrated love, support and prayed with us. We decided to take the first step and call their realtor which led to a list of tasks to complete. Within three weeks, we had spruced up our house and put it on the market. Six days later we had multiple offers, accepted one of those offers and closed six weeks later.

I don’t want to imply the process of downsizing from 2,000 square feet to less than 300 square feet and turning our life into a mobile journey is easy – it is a lot of work. However, that chance conversation with our friends was God telling us we didn’t need a “to do” list, we needed Him. He knew exactly how and when we would start the planning.

The day we left our house for the last time, we found that “to do” list. Surprisingly, we discovered we had completed all but five items. I didn’t save them; I knew God guidance was better than any sticky note.

You may be wondering about the sale of our friends and our house. It turns out our friend’s house sold for significantly more than asking price. Our realtor told us sales in that amount never happen in our area and likely won’t happen to that extent again, but it did. Our final sale amount was remarkably close to our friends. Coincidence? Not a chance!

The significance of the sale price wasn’t the dollars but rather God showing four friends he is providing for the journey he is leading them on.

Are your sticky notes holding you back from your launch date?

In their heart humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9