Saying Goodbye

Prayer with our church family before we left

August 16, 2021, came quicker than we thought it would. For a year we dreamed, researched, and prepared for this journey. The adventure seemed so exciting, and it was, until the last few days. It was now time to say goodbye.

Although we know New York is our home and we will return to the area every year, goodbyes aren’t any easier. From last-minute visits with friends, family, and our church family the idea of leaving grew harder. We knew it would be like this, so we weren’t surprised by the sadness we felt. However, I began to wonder if moments like this were the reason why I may have not listened to God in the past.  Jim and I believe very strongly God is guiding us on this journey, but truth be told, if I were in a different place in my faith journey, maybe I would have pretended I didn’t hear God. I mean it’s crazy, right? Selling our house, leaving our jobs, our friends, and family and living together in less than 300 square feet with two cats. Who in their right mind would do something like that???? But we did.

Last year I listened to a message series where the pastor spoke about paying attention to the tension. In it, he spoke about listening to the tension you may be feeling when making decisions. If it doesn’t feel right, pause before you make that decision. That message made me wonder, tension could go both ways. Is it possible it could be a good tension just as easily as a bad tension? Maybe better said, is God nudging us?

One night last year we were sitting with our good friends and during our discussions, they mentioned full-time RVing. We had never heard of that type of lifestyle, but that random comment caused me to pause, think and ask questions. For weeks I couldn’t shake the idea. What was causing that tension?

A couple of months later and a lot of chats with God (and my husband) led us to this moment. You see, we all can know the direction God has for our lives if we just pay attention to the tension or nudge. What may not seem normal by the world’s standards, could be exactly the type of normal God has intended for us.

As we settled into our location on the first night of our journey, the sadness returned. It was at that moment we chose to read cards and well wishes from our friends and family. The encouragement, support, and love were overwhelming. In one of those cards was an insert. It said, “I know that the Lord has big plans for you. And He has very important work that only you can do. I am praying that you and God will make the most of your talents”. The sadness will pass, that we know. We also know that joy will come in the morning. The future is one we are not sure of yet, but we do know God has picked us to do great things in His name. I’m grateful He picked us for this adventure and we paid attention to the tension. Now we wait eagerly to see the beautiful picture He has painted for us.

I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Ephesians 4:1

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