Winter Storms
As the calendar changed to February, we remained in the San Antonio area. We were able to spend the first half of the month volunteering at Provisions, a food pantry based in Bulverde, TX. They help the people of their community in need of assistance with their day-to-day basic needs. Once again, we met wonderful people with hearts to serve. We were particularly fond of Pete, who oversaw the food pantry. It is always heartwarming to meet people and instantly feel a special connection to them.
Pete was one of those people. It was obvious his passion was serving those in need, not wanting anyone to go hungry or see any food go to waste. If food needed to be thrown out due to regulations at the end of the week, he would make sure a local animal shelter received those items. It was a blessing to be able to help the team, serve the community, hear their stories, and show them the love of Jesus. We even received a sweet gift bag from a local church.
Before we left the San Antonio area, we had one more opportunity to get together with our dear friends, Diane and Klemens for a visit to Lyndon B. Johnson’s Texas White House. I knew little about our 36th President but it was so interesting to learn about his life while at this ranch. He loved his farm and his privacy, giving his secret service a run for their money as he found places on his property to be alone. The coolest part for me was seeing stepping stones touched by the many dignitaries that had visited his ranch. Their signatures and the dates they visited were embedded in cement blocks lining the patio. Replicas displayed for viewing included the likes of John F. Kennedy, John Glen, and Billy Graham.

We ended our day with a German dinner in Fredericksburg. The Hill Country is known for their German influence as many immigrated and settled in the area as far back as the 1830’s. Their influence is still seen in the restaurants of the area.
From San Antonio we headed to Waco, TX to see – you guessed it – the city where Fixer Upper is filmed. For those of you who do not know, Fixer Upper is a home improvement TV show featuring Chip and Joanna Gaines. Embarrassed to admit it, we are total groupies of the popular show, but in our defense, it is just good wholesome TV the whole family can watch.
We packed a lot into our short stay but were able to serve at a food distribution center, visit Joanna’s restaurant called Magnolia Table, see the Silos, pass by Chip and Joanna’s home and the Gristmill, known to film the newest cooking show also known as Magnolia Table. Coincidently, we also saw the historical castle they purchased which we believe will be a future episode. We were extremely impressed with the quality and attention to detail of the restaurant and silos. It is evident, Joanna’s style was involved in part, or all of these locations. I even thought the water was the best I ever tasted – weird, I know. We also had the opportunity to meet Jimmy Don, who’s metal work is seen on the TV show!
Before we left the area, we squeezed in a visit to the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame Museum, the Dr. Pepper Museum, and Baylor College, some of which we hope to write about in a separate post.
Our last two stops were Forth Worth and the Dallas area. Jim’s childhood friend lives north of Dallas so we could not resist a stop! We had a wonderful day attending their church, catching up, making new friends, eating a delicious lunch and German chocolate cake, specially made for Jim’s recent birthday. Jim and Tracey have known each other since they were two. A long time given Jim is now north of fifty!
Our hope to see cowboys, longhorns, and a rodeo while in Fort Worth was thwarted. Unfortunately, winter weather once again entered Texas leaving us confined to our RV for the duration of our time in the area. This was actually our second severe weather event (by Texas standards). Texas was abnormally cold this year and like last year, frigid temperatures and ice returned. Thankfully neither storm this year was as bad as in 2021. Even still, we saw temperatures in the 20’s for several days which froze water lines and required the use of more propane than usual. Although those days were not pleasurable, God protected and provided for us. We learned how to improvise and most importantly to head farther south next year!
As we now prepare to leave Texas and begin the journey back north in search of spring, we recognized the winter weather wasn’t the only storm we experienced. As we shared in an earlier post, Christmas was a difficult, emotional time. Unfortunately, that only grew worse for us, particularly me.
I am a planner, dreamer, perfectionist, and very impatient. From day one of this journey, we have been certain we were following God’s plan. But that is where the certainty ended. We still weren’t hearing God’s direction for our next steps, seven months later. I began to own the responsibility of figuring out how to succeed.
I tirelessly came up with ideas for us to make this mission grow, reach more people, help more people, and sustain our lifestyle. It seemed the more I tried, the more I failed. We felt like we kept hitting a brick wall. I started to doubt. Why is God not revealing anything? How will we survive? Will our trip back home be the end?
I tried harder and harder to make something happen. We were encouraged and even supported by those we love but I was still feeling hopeless, even though on the outside I seemed fine. Then one day I fell to my knees. Why? Because I determined I was bigger than God. I was going to make this work whether He guided me or not. Despite what I know to be true, I was playing God instead of trusting He would complete His plan for us. I had exhausted myself emotionally. I couldn’t formulate thoughts to write journal entries, I didn’t desire to serve – I was just hopeless.
Being broken is not how God wants us to live our life, but it is exactly where satan wants us to be. He knows our weaknesses and desires nothing more than to keep them at the forefront of our mind. God sees our weaknesses and still loves us unconditionally. He wants us to hand over our burdens to Him and experience joy in our life. However, we cannot do that when we try to control our destiny. We will fail every time.
It reminds me of the story of Abram and Sarai (otherwise known as Abraham and Sarah) in Genesis 15, 18:1-15, and 21:1-7 in the Bible. To summarize, God told Abraham to leave his home and depart for a land where he would have many decedents. The problem is, Abraham and Sarah were at an advanced age. Although God said Sarah would have a child, she believed she was too old. So, she took matters in her own hands allowing Abraham to take another wife, Hagar, who could give him a decedent. Sarah took control. Hagar did bear a child for Abraham but the result would haunt Sarah and produce generational turmoil. In time Sarah did become pregnant and have a child, just as God said.
I have been a lot like Sarah on this journey, impatient and trying to take matters into my own hands. Despite knowing God is in control, I keep trying to make His plan move along quicker. It results in exhaustion, sadness, frustration, and being emotionally drained.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
This isn’t the only time; I have been there more times than I would like to admit. I am still learning how to trust God in everything – even when it seems hopeless. We only need the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains (Matthew 17:20). I know I have at least a half jar of mustard seeds, so I am certain I am growing in my faith journey.
As I end this post, I cannot share an answer to where our journey will go from here. There has been no revelation. But I can say I believe God brought us here and I will continue to believe He will see us through. I have hope again and am resolved to have joy in each day and release control of what I never had control of in the first place.
I have noticed people we do not even know following our stories. That in itself is evidence God is in our journey and people are seeing Him through us.
I am so thankful for all of you who follow our story, share your thoughts, and support us. I believe it is God shining through you to let us know He is there. Those glimpses of Him are enough. He is enough.
So, stick around with us through the joys and trials. I hope that by sharing our struggles, you know you are not alone in your difficulties, and that there is hope. Wherever our lives takes us, continue trusting and loving the only One who is in control. His plan is better than we could have dreamed.
Yes, He will! Thank you Sherry!
I am following your journey. God will keep you in His loving arms. Praise His name.
As always, I’ve enjoyed reading your post; I’d been missing them! I know that God will lead you and in His time you will know His plan. Wow, that’s definitely the hard part, isn’t it?!! Waiting……
I will continue to pray for you for God’s direction… hang in there!
Love you guys!! Sylvia❤️🙏
Yes, waiting is hard, but I have seen God’s plan in the past after long waits, and they were so worth it. I will choose to remember those times, trust they will happen again, and enjoy the journey. Thank you as always for your love Sylvia! ❤