Season 2 Begins

It’s hard to believe, just over three weeks ago, we connected the truck to the RV and headed for the southwest. In fact, as I am writing this, we are currently in New Mexico. Not only have we traveled approximately 2,195 miles in those three weeks, but we have also been blessed to have the opportunity to serve in three cities already! We are so excited to share all the stories and sights with you, but as you can imagine, there hasn’t been a lot of time to write, but stay tuned! Here’s a little sampling of some sites along the way.

So, you may be wondering how we felt going into this new season. To know that, let’s go back to the month of May when we returned to our hometown in New York.

I must say, we were looking forward to exhaling from our first season on the road. We wanted to process what we had experienced over the last eight months. We were tired, not necessarily from the traveling but from the mental exhaustion. It was good to be home.

We decided we would arrive home a week earlier than most people knew so we could surprise our moms for Mother’s Day. It was awesome to give that moment of love to our moms. Throughout the summer we spent time catching up with family and friends. It was so comforting to see the smiles and feel the hugs.

If you followed our first season, you might remember it was a tough experience. We worried about way too many things while still trying to trust God. It was hard. We did have fun times, experienced a portion of this beautiful country, and the love of total strangers who we now call friends. We served along the way – feeling a tugging on our hearts. That tugging? Our hearts opening to those less fortunate; people that needed people like us to just be there, to serve them.

I would like to tell you that it was easy to serve but the reality is that we felt a dread and a hesitation before each opportunity. I suspect that isn’t what you were expecting to hear but we promised when we started this journey to be transparent. I also suspect we are not the only ones that have felt this way.

Serving takes sacrifice. Not only in our time, energy, or money, but also a sacrifice in being vulnerable. Stepping out of our comfort zone to enter a building full of strangers where we have no idea where to go or what to do. It was simply uncomfortable. Even though we were confident God wanted us to do this very thing, we wanted to resist reaching out to organizations in need, to cancel our scheduled time to volunteer because we were just too tired or fearful. But it is what God asked of us, to love others and serve them. We had a decision to make. Were we going to be obedient or wait to serve another time?

Most of us probably do not like to be told what to do. From being a child not wanting to share even though mom tells us to – to being an adult and our boss tell us that we have to work more hours, it stinks. We want to control the direction of our lives but yet we comply. Why? We know that person is an authority in our lives. So why is it then, when it comes to God having authority over our lives, do we not comply?

I have a few thoughts. We can’t see Him, so it is easy to pretend He isn’t there. How can an invisible being have authority over me? I believe in God, isn’t that enough? Or, I don’t even believe – how can a book written by a bunch of people be true, much less tell me what to do?

I liken it to a parent telling us to brush our teeth as a child. For some strange reason, as littles, we do not want to brush our teeth. We tell our mom we brushed our teeth, even if we didn’t. We may even run the toothbrush under water, just in case mom checked (yes, I have a child who tried to pull that one over on me!). The reality is, mom knew we weren’t doing what we were supposed to do. Eventually, over time, we complied, especially after a few cavities, and several hundred dollars. Brushing became a habit and we realized what our mom told us to do was actually benefiting us – as well as those who came within close proximity to our breath! Before long, we were not only brushing our teeth daily, but even flossing!

Jesus gave us a simple command, that for us isn’t so simple. We must love God, and love and serve others. We live in a world that is inwardly focused. We are the authority. We think we know how to treat people, especially if they haven’t led a life that we think is right.

We have to walk against that grain if we are to follow His command. Although we want to do life our way, He knows what is in our best interest and should we comply, we will see how it benefits us. More importantly, we will see how it benefits others. The good news is we have a handbook: The Bible. An example to follow: Jesus.

For those who do not believe in God, I haven’t forgotten you. Whether you do or don’t believe, He loves you just as much as He loves the people He wants you to love and serve. No matter who you are or what you’ve done, or whether or not you even believe, HE LOVES YOU! The least any of us can do, is love others the way He loves us. Jim and I can attest, it will not always be easy, but when you do, you will start to see Him, and your purpose on this earth revealed.

“The issue is not where you live and work but where your affections lie. God’s love will draw your devotion away from the corruptions of the world, but it will also compel you to go into the world with love and compassion. If you believe you are to escape from the world and abandon it, you will never influence it.”

Chris Tiegreen; The One Year Salt & Light Devotional

So, as we entered into Season 2, we embarked refreshed, with a stronger faith and an excitement to continue to love and serve others. The trials of Season 1 were behind us. We had walked a difficult path, in obedience, and were now renewed and equipped to continue the journey.

In Season 1, you will remember I was struggling with what our purpose on this journey was. I now know. Our purpose is to do just what we are doing, and I am at complete peace with that. I trust that I do not need to know more. I am confident God will reveal our next steps. We were obedient and now we are seeing how it benefits us, but more importantly those we serve. As a matter of fact, I am thrilled to report that yesterday, after we volunteered, I realized I did not have any dread or fear prior to walking into an environment of serving!

As we enter into Season 2, my biggest hope and prayer is that everyone experiences their true purpose like we have. If you haven’t yet, or if you relate to our story, step out of that vulnerable place you are in and step into your true purpose. Still not there or still hesitant? Share in the comments below your thoughts or your story. Or if you have overcome your reluctance, we would love to to hear about your success (please note, comments are not released before we review them, and we will not release them unless you give us permission). I ask for your thoughts because I believe it is important to start a discussion, to gain understanding, to ask questions, and be vulnerable – like I am, in asking this of you. If you choose not to, that’s okay. Just think about what you have read, and when you are ready: love God, and love and serve others.

6 Responses

  1. Misty says:

    Thank you Sherry. We love you too! 💕

  2. Misty says:

    Thank you Sylvia! We are so happy to be back. Love you!! 💗

  3. Cheryl says:

    Nice writeup honey. Good food for thought!! Been looking for thesalrandlightjourneys but only found last yrs., figuring u both were busy with on line working & volunteering not able to do yet. Have a blessed time & we’ll always miss you but you’re close in thought, heart & prayer. You’re following the LORD’S lead, tit’s what You’re to do. Love you both so much! Hug the fur babies for us.

  4. Jane Ury says:

    Praying Season 2 Is Everything God Needs It To Be For You Both!
    God Bless.

  5. Sylvia says:

    So happy to be reading your blog again! I truly believe that God is directing you each step of your journey. I will keep you in my thoughts prayers. Love you both! 😍

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