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The Oryx, originating from Africa, is from the antelope family. Their notable appearance includes dark and light markings on their face and legs, and two long, straight horns. On a recent hike, Jim and I were fortunate to catch a rare sighting of this majestic animal. If you look closely, you will notice, this Oryx is a little different – it only has one horn. Perhaps it was born that way or maybe lost it in a fight with another animal. No matter the difference, we found it to be simply beautiful and sat for quite some time just admiring it. Interestingly, this Oryx was the only one to be found in the mountain range we were hiking. Perhaps it was silly, but I wondered if it was lonely or shunned by other animals. Many wild animals survive better in packs, did the Oryx face danger being alone?
We have found the decision to embark and continue on this journey has not always been received the way we had hoped. It’s understandable, I mean we did sell our house and possessions and buy an RV to travel in. It is odd to many; in fact, we hear from our fellow RVers how others thought they were crazy. However, the acceptance of our journey has gone beyond the tangible decision we made. We also made a spiritual decision – to follow a path God o chose for us.
From avoidance, to the awkward smiles without words, or the missing question “how are you?”, even the decision to choose to not be part of our life, we have seen it all. I could spend my days trying to figure out why, or make the attempt to have dialog, but quite honestly the list would be long in either case. I could also choose to let it bring me down, or quit the journey. Instead I choose to tell our story in hopes it may help someone who experiences the same lack of acceptance.

The irony in the story is that the very One Jim and I are choosing to follow, knows exactly what we are going through. Jesus was not a popular person. He walked the earth proclaiming to be the Messiah, knowing it was the path God had chosen for Him, but it was not well received. He was denied then and is still being denied to this day. Even his own disciples who walked with Him on His journey and saw the miracles He performed, still denied Him in the end. I’ve often wondered how Jesus felt. We know He experienced the same emotions we do so I think He may have – and still does – feel sadness and disappointment when He isn’t recognized and acknowledged. Despite how others felt, He thanked God for His plan, knowing His purpose was to save others. He bravely continued his mission despite the avoidance, jeers, or hate – all while loving those very people who despised Him. He healed the outcasts, ate with the hated, showed love to the sinner, and served the very one who would later betray Him.
I keep reminding myself of what Jesus experienced and I know He understands our experience. I won’t lie, I want to be angry or hold on to the hurt, but I know that will keep me from the very purpose He has for me. So instead, I will make a choice, every day, to let go of what we’ve lost and hold on to the hope I have in God. The hope that our purpose will make a difference.
You may be experiencing a similar story in your life. You made an unpopular choice to follow Jesus and you feel alone. First, it is important to know you are not alone. The purpose of my sharing our story is exactly for that fact. We understand how you feel but more importantly God understands. He watched His Son suffer because of a choice He made. His son, Jesus, walked in the midst of haters knowing His choice would save you and I. The beauty in the story is that those choices now give us life in the midst of darkness. We have the choice to continue being a light in a dark world. Don’t let the choices of others stop your light.
Today, join us and be who He wants you to be, live like He wants you to live, and treat others the way He wants you to treat them. When you do, you will begin to realize, like us, that you have far more people who bring you joy, then those that do not. Today I choose to remember the people, places, and memories along the way that have brought joy to our journey. Take some time to remember yours as well and then like the Oryx, travel through your mountain in majestic beauty and shine your light!
Thank you for bringing joy to El Caldito Soup Kitchen, we hope to see each other again. I love reading about your travels and all the wonderful stories, Happy Thanksgiving my friends.
Laura, thank you for extending joy to us at El Caldito and thank you for continuing to follow our journey! We hope your Thanksgiving was blessed ❤️
And you, my friends, have brought incredible joy to those you’ve met along the way. We’re honored to have such Christ like friends who have given up so much in order to do His will and serve those less fortunate. We love you!
Thank you Heather. We have alot of incredible stories but the story of our friendship is the most incredible ❤️
Excellent message & putting it into words ,Misty. I feel the Lord imspires, instills & drawsout HIS MESSAGE thru u, 9> honey. It’s miraculous, interesting & fun 2 read. Tku 4 the adventure, amusement & faith u shate with us. Love u & Jim! God bless your journeys!!
Thank you Sherri ❤️
As always, I’ve enjoyed what you’ve posted. I have to admit I might be just a tad envious of your travels and your beautiful way of touching the lives of others. I have no doubt you are in God’s will. I pray, and will continue to pray, for your safe travels and blessings! Love, Sylvia
Thank you Sylvia ❤️