The Long Road to Season 4

As we embark on our 4th season, we are energized and believe this is going to be our best season yet! However, we didn’t come to this point easily. This summer tested our faith – perhaps more than it has been since we began this journey. While progressing through Season 3, we once again were blessed to serve with our friends at the Glory House in Laurel, MS. But our time with them and the remainder of our third season ended unexpectedly.

We began our four day drive home in early April and as we crossed the border to our home state – true to NY form – it was snowing. Fortunately the snow did not accumulate on the roads and we made it home safely.

Our home campground “Cowley Campground” has a long, windy driveway and after many repeated attempts to back in successfully our first summer home, our “campground host” (otherwise known as Rob or Robbie to me) suggested we pull in through the yard into the driveway. It was a great idea and has served us well but this time it didn’t go so well. The ground had thawed from the winter and along with days of rain, said yard was not accepting of our 10,000 lb. home. We were stuck and four wheel drive did not seem interested in pulling us out of the muddy mess we were in. Fortunately, our camp host came up with a plan to pull us out. His 3/4 ton Chevy was able to pull our 3/4 ton GMC and our 10,000 lb. Forest River (with a little help from our truck driving in reverse) out of the yard. Wet, muddy, tired, and very cold, we were ready to settle in – until we realized our 30 amp surge protector was not working. Not to worry, Rob once again came up with a solution and we were now able to catch up on some much needed rest.

Throughout the following weeks and months we experienced loss, grief, pain, doubt, weariness, and anxiety. The challenges we faced seemed at times to be more than we could bear. However, the summer also brought healing, hope, joy and happiness. Making it home just in time to celebrate my mom’s special birthday and seeing my nephew, Kaden run at his last race for the year. Watching my niece have her first baby – sweet Marlowe Jane. Watching our son marry the love of his life, Amber, and hearing all about their honeymoon in the sun. Receiving an abundance of prayers, support, encouragement and love from our church family and having the opportunity to serve with them at their food drive. Spending time with family, including a sweet farewell party, full of good food and laughter.

We even conquered pretty significant RV damage over the summer with the help of our good friend Matt. An RVer’s dread – water – infiltrated our bedroom slide. Needless to say Matt approached the repairs with confidence and left the slide better than one would find in a new RV! An added bonus – we were able to spend a few days with him and Amy at their “campground”.

We have learned that trials can destroy us or build us – we decide. It can be hard following God’s plan – it is not a plan satan wants us to follow and he will try anything and everything to make us question our faith and the path God has us following. But as I once heard, if we are facing adversity, we are doing something right. All the while, God is right beside us – if He wasn’t, imagine how much harder trials would be!

So we begin our 4th Season full of hope and anticipation. This season will be a little different than the past three seasons. To start, we will be gone longer – 10 months to be specific. We have reached the point where we need to start volunteering in northern states which means we have to do that in the spring/summer. We have a big route planned! The best part is, we will be spending more time in one location, more often.

We begin with a 4-day drive to Laurel, MS, where we will help our friends, Hope and Grant at the Glory House for their holiday season. We also look forward to helping our friends, Michael and Cornise, as they launch their new church. We start the new year heading west – stopping along the way to visit our “framily” Klem and Diane. We will then revisit and volunteer with our friends at El Caldito in Las Cruces, NM. We continue on to California where we will spend two months helping members of our home church, who have transitioned to pastoring at their new church in Lake Elisnore, CA. From there we head to the northwest, where we will experience my life-long dream of seeing the redwoods. Then on to Oregon and Washington before heading east.

We want to thank those of you that have shared how much you enjoy reading our blogs and have been inspired by our journey. You have lifted us in a tough season and reconfirmed our reason for The Salt and Light Journeys. In fact, no greater gift have you given us than to hear how some of you are making changes in your own lives to serve others. We are so excited for you! Together we will shine the light of Jesus and overcome the darkness!